Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Field Technician - A First Job in Archaeology

Field Technician - A First Job in Archeology A Field Technician, or Archeological Field Technician, is a passage level paying situation in prehistoric studies. A Field Technician performs archeological study and unearthing, under the management of a Principal Investigator, Field Supervisor, or Crew Chief. These occupations are known by a wide assortment of names, including Field Hand, Field Archeologist, Natural Resource Technician I, Archeologist/Technician, Field Technician, US Government 29023 Archeological Technician I, and Assistant Archeologist. Obligations An archeological field expert performs obligations related with person on foot studies just as hand unearthing (scoop testing, pail twist drill testing, 1x1 meter units, test channels) of archeological destinations. Field experts might be approached to take point by point field notes, draw sketch maps, unearth archeological highlights, sack curios, record provenience of the discovers, utilize a Munsell soil graph, take photos, use PC programming programs (Microsoftâ ® Word, Excel and Access are common), and consistently keep up customer privacy. Some measure of physical work is commonly required, for example, physically expelling brush or vegetation, and conveying and keeping up instruments and gear. Field professionals may need to explore with a compass and topographic guide, help run a complete station to make topographic maps, or learn advanced mapping with utilizing GPS/GIS. Occupation Type and Availability <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/NfiFZkGl7HYAqoR8G03BeDV6sqM=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Kansas_field-57c1ea7a5f9b5855e571c107.jpg 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/NCfdtva30ccWvyT4rIJATHpyJis=/850x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Kansas_field-57c1ea7a5f9b5855e571c107.jpg 850w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/MUyHuDYICjtMuXVtvaXUwP-B0b0=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Kansas_field-57c1ea7a5f9b5855e571c107.jpg 1400w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/jcYOH6wxzaUL4N_X_ZOPimH0YUo=/2500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Kansas_field-57c1ea7a5f9b5855e571c107.jpg 2500w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/Q7HFLou5pk00q6weXsQsL4FTYJo=/2500x1668/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Kansas_field-57c1ea7a5f9b5855e571c107.jpg src=//:0 alt=Kansas Archeology Training Program Field School class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-8 information following container=true /> Kansas Archeology Training Program Field School. Imprint Reinstein/Corbis by means of Getty Image Passage level employments are generally momentary transitory positions; they dont for the most part accompany protection or advantages, in spite of the fact that there are special cases. Regularly, a field professional is employed by aâ firm that conducts archeological business related to social asset the executives (or legacy the board) in a wide range of states or nations. Those organizations keep up a rundown of field professionals and convey sees when undertakings are coming up: ventures which can keep going for a couple of days or years. The drawn out positions are uncommon; field specialists infrequently work all day and most are occasional representatives. Archeological ventures are led over the world, generally drove by social asset firms (or social asset arms of designing organizations), colleges, galleries, or legislative offices. The occupations are genuinely various, yet require the expert to go a long way from home and remain in the field for expanded timeframes. Instruction/Experience Level Required <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/QabS8XdfBr4H-R2Q2freO8rgbr4=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/equip_stack-56a01e363df78cafdaa032ca.JPG 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/alflE0JT7U9zDTsr96yv8zRDkd0=/545x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/equip_stack-56a01e363df78cafdaa032ca.JPG 545w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/_rBP2_EfUKrBsrVv7tOl1DRLPZw=/790x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/equip_stack-56a01e363df78cafdaa032ca.JPG 790w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/KQsrUZV7cswLsAmQP8c3l9Ql928=/1280x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/equip_stack-56a01e363df78cafdaa032ca.JPG 1280w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/4XwFrBR4fcrZlhAop4c02tCNDCg=/1280x960/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/equip_stack-56a01e363df78cafdaa032ca.JPG src=//:0 alt=This heap of unearthing hardware is sitting tight for the following field trip. class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-14 information following container=true /> This heap of removal gear is sitting tight for the following field trip. Kris Hirst (c) 2006 At the very least, field professionals need a Bachelors certificate in Anthropology, Archeology or a firmly related field, in addition to a half year or a years experience. Most firms anticipate that workers should have taken at any rate one expert field school or have had some earlier field study understanding. Every so often firms will take individuals who are as yet taking a shot at their unhitched males degrees. Involvement in ArcMap, ArcPad or different GIS equipment, for example, a Trimble unit is useful; a substantial drivers permit and great driving record is a genuinely standard necessity. Another profoundly esteemed resource is nature with social asset laws, for example, Section 106, NEPA, NHPA, FERC just as important state guidelines in the United States. There are additionally authority positions, for example, seaside or marine/oceanic tasks that may require SCUBA plunging experience. Field schools can be taken at a neighborhood college for educational cost and living costs; archeological and verifiable social orders infrequently run ventures to prepare planned field professionals. Invaluable Assets Field experts need a decent hard working attitude and a sprightly manner: archaic exploration is truly requesting and frequently repetitive, and an effective professional ought to be happy to learn, buckle down, and act autonomously. Verbal and composed relational abilities are among the most looked for after qualities for starting field professionals, especially the capacity to compose specialized reports. Participation in proficient social orders, for example, the Institute for Archeologists in the UK or the Register of Professional Archeologists (RPA) in the US, might be a prerequisite for business, and foundation or information in the way of life being examined (particularly for long undertakings) is an important resource. Having a significant number of these qualities may prompt advancements or full-time positions. Despite the fact that the Americans with Disabilities Act is in power for archeological occupations in the US and there are comparative laws in different nations, field professional occupations expect representatives to be in acceptable state of being, to have the option to work outside in factor climate conditions and on fluctuated territory. A few employments will require longer work weeks when conditions emerge; and overview ventures, specifically, require strolling significant distances (8â€16 kilometers or 5â€10 miles daily) under unfavorable conditions, including nasty climate and natural life experiences, conveying as much as 23 kilograms (50 pounds). Medication screening, historical verifications, and even physical wellness tests directed by the firm are getting normal. Regular Pay Rates In light of employment postings saw in January 2019, rates for a Field Technician differ between $US 14â€22 every hour and, in the United Kingdom,  £10â€15 every hour-be that as it may, barely any occupation postings in 2019 gave express pay information. Routine set of expenses covering lodgings and dinners is frequently given, contingent upon the task. In a measurable study directed in 2012, Doug Rocks-Macqueen (2014) detailed that rates for US-based field professionals ran between US$10â€25, with a normal of $14.09. Rocks-Macqueen, Doug 2014. Employments in American Archeology: Pay for CRM Archeologists. Archaeologies 10(3):281â€296 download the article for nothing from Dougs Archeology blog. Pluses and Minuses of the Traveling Life The life of a field professional isn't without remunerations, yet there are a few troubles included. In the event that particular tasks most recent a half year or more, it may not be viable for some field specialists to keep up a lasting location (aside from a relative or companion as a mail drop). Stowing furniture and different belongings in an unfilled loft for a half year or a year is costly and dangerous. Field specialists travel a considerable amount, which might be the absolute best motivation to put in several years as an archeological partner. Wages and accessibility of employments and lodging will differ from organization to organization, from burrow to burrow, regardless of whether broadly or universally. In numerous nations, field specialist positions are filled by nearby specialists, and getting recruited on those unearthings requires enough understanding to assume an administrative job. Where to Find Field Tech Jobs US R. Joe Brandons Shovel BumsJennifer Palmers Archeology Fieldwork.comINDEED: Archeological Field TechniciansGlassdoor.com: Archeological Field Technician Jobs Canada Jennifer Palmers Archeological Fieldwork: Canada UK English Archeological Jobs Resources (BAJR): EmploymentINDEED UK: Archeological Field Jobs Australia To be sure AU: Archeology Jobs

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Summary of Chinns Four Ways of Knowing

Outline of Chinns Four Ways of Knowing Response to Chinns Four Ways of Knowing: Peggy L. Chinn, RN, PhD, FAAN is Professor of Nursing at the University of Connecticut. She earned her undergrad nursing degree from the University of Hawaii, and her Masters and PhD degrees from the University of Utah. She has wrote books and diary articles in the territories of nursing hypothesis, women's liberation and nursing, the craft of nursing, and nursing training. Her ongoing exploration has been centered around building up a strategy for stylish knowing in nursing, and characterizing the craft of nursing as a craftsmanship. Her book co-created with Maeona Kramer has recently been discharged in its fifth version, presently titled Theory and Nursing: An Integrated Approach to Knowledge Development. She is as of now changing Peace and Power: Building Communities for the Future. This book is utilized worldwide by womens gatherings and harmony dissident gatherings as a reason for bunch process, accord dynamic, and compromise. She has been prepared during the time spent interces sion at CDR Associates in Boulder, Colorado and gives initiative and counsel in helpful gathering forms. She is fellow benefactor with Elizabeth Berrey of the Women of Vision Project, leading workshops for ladies cooperating and encouraging systems among ladies making change. In her book â€Å"Theory and Nursing Integrated information development† Chinn has referenced four examples of realizing which are; Empirics, Ethics, Personal and Esthetics. Chinn and Kramer have characterized nursing craftsmanship as an unconstrained, in-the-second demonstration that requires intentional practice. As Ethics rises midway in endeavors to center nursing practice and research, there likewise are reestablished endeavors to address and comprehend morals at more fundamental levels in the control, to comprehend what nurses' identity is and on what esteems do they stand. Indeed, even inside this all encompassing worldview, in any case, the pressures between thoughts of the individual and the person in-connection stay uncertain. In nursing practice, these pressures happen in contending belief systems, standards, morals, qualities, and thoughts in research, hypothesis and practice. As a good and philosophical base, caring has esteemed the being and knowing more than the doing in nursing. Caring can be viewed as an ethical establishment and an end all by itself. As an expert ethic, caring must be a social promise to work with others in manners that are associated, connected with, and significant. Indeed, even inside this all encompassing worldview, in any case, the strains between thoughts of the individual and of the person in-connection stay uncertain. In nursing practice, these strains happen in contending belief systems, standards, morals, qualities, and thoughts in research, hypothesis, and practice. Through basic and explanatory reflection, medical attendants look at ontological and moral establishments as far as anyone is concerned and praxis. It extends and hones these establishments by driving medical caretakers to create and follow up on duties with regards to political or social plans just as to perceive that both their responsibilities and the motivation are built in and by an assortment of variable connections of information and force. Stylish experience matters in nursing in light of the fact that the two patients and medical attendants are partners in the circumstance. Encounters of ailment can possibly get lifted from standard life basically in light of the fact that such a great amount of is in question. The subtleties and subtleties of connections among patients and medical caretakers are noteworthy on the grounds that they are a piece of this experience of disease and this is the reason the profoundly drawn in position of caring issues. Without commitment, the medical caretaker is not, at this point a partner and nursing craftsmanship is unimaginable. Commitment is a precondition of understanding. Caring makes a world and that without care; the individual would be without ventures and concerns. Their view suggests that care is principal to significance and that importance comes to be based on some earlier structure of care. An individual might be viewed as established by their contribution and duties On the planet and without such commitment, one stays, in the profoundest sense, a remote chance of an individual. Likewise, the workmanship must be cherishing; that is, it must think about the topic whereupon expertise is worked out. A connected with, enthusiastic duty is a precondition for nursing workmanship and powerful intercession. In present day stylish hypothesis, in any case, there is significant discussion about whether there is a contrast among workmanship and craft.There is a principled distinction among craftsmanship and specialty and contends for the need of clarifying differentiations between them. Qualifications can be summed up by the accompanying: make results from capable utilization of strategy or method to deliver a pre-determined item from a crude material. In this manner, the endpoint of an art is envisioned before the techniques for accomplishing it are resolved, so the best approach is arranged from the earliest starting point. Making a decision about a work of art is in this way less a matter of understanding than a matter of fit among ancient rarity and biased models of specific specialty objects.Craft suggests obviously got objectives and strategies and this makes assessment direct. The consequences of craftsmanship, then again, can't be indicated before creation; and means and closures are not generally considered independently. The craftsman doesn't generally have the foggiest idea what to make, or the best approach; rather, finishes and means advance all the while. As indicated by this definition, workmanship is both progressively innovative and hard to assess. Chinn and Kramer have remarked that craftsmanship brings an individual into new domains and grows perceptual limits. On the off chance that the object of nursing workmanship is to change the lived understanding of wellbeing and ailment, as Chinn claims, this clarifies why craftsmanship is conceivably so significant for nursing. In addition to the fact that nurses need craftsmanship to grow their viewpoints on thinking about patients, however patients additionally need nursing workmanship to assist them with seeing the potential outcomes in their circumstance. A medical caretaker who is masterfully inventive may set new gauges for how things should be possible. Workmanship can change the ethos of what is viewed as acceptable practice and modify the originations of what nursing results should be. This implies the crowd for nursing craftsmanship will be not just patients and relatives, to whom medical attendants would like to show prospects so they may push ahead and change their fates, yet additionally different attendants, from whom medical caretakers learn and with whom they change practice. By keeping up a liquid receptiveness in nursing circumstances, it might be that attendants own encounters and that of their patients is broadened. One of the troubles in characterizing this part of nursing craftsmanship has been the imperceptibility of the workmanship object. The procedure of craftsmanship is noticeable enough in nursing. The instruments, strategies, and art like methodology can be portrayed, however the result of the workmanship is hard to indicate. Medical caretaker scholars are hesitant to recognize the patient as the object of nursing workmanship. It is in opposition to their philosophical custom to typify patients along these lines, nor would this recognizable proof be right.

Monday, August 10, 2020

WinningWriters.com Dedicated to Helping Writers Improve Their Craft

WinningWriters.com Dedicated to Helping Writers Improve Their Craft WinningWriters.com focuses on helping independent and freelance writers, and it provides information and advice to help writers of all levels. The wide range of topics the site addresses is truly impressive; topics range from writing advice to legal resources and every subject matter in between (including topics such as self-publishing resources, writing for social change, and spotting scam literary agents).If you sign up for their newsletter, you can get Winning Writers list of The Best Free Literary Contests delivered directly to your inbox. Editor Jendi Reiter sends messages with information, updates, deadline changes, rule changes, and insights about more than 200 free poetry and prose contests on the 15th of every month along with four quarterly special announcements. Any writer interested in pursuing contests (and potentially earning prize money) should sign up for this newsletter, because Jendi digests the pertinent information about each contests rules and summarizes them in easy-to-understand language. She also gives her perspective about what kind of piece will likely win the contest, which is valuable advice that can save you time and help you to custom tailor your submissions and increase your chances in the contest. The contests Ive discovered on there are for credible publications with really exciting themes. The other members of my monthly Writing Group were thrilled when I shared this information with them, because many of them spend vast amounts of time researching contests in addition to writing their entries, and they were simultaneously excited and relieved to discover that Jendi Reiter has done most of the legwork for them! This resource saves you from having to scroll through online search results searching for contests; the editors at Winning Writers have done all the research and investigating for you, so you can easily glance at the contests and see which ones spark your interest and match your writing style. If you are hesitant about g iving out your email address (although they promise they will not share your email address or information with outside companies), you can access past issues of the newsletter on the site, but you risk missing opportunities for contests with shorter lead times.Under Whats New, the site features an extensive and continually updated list of Writing and Poetry contests, and they include prize and deadline information along with external links to each contest website for more detailed information. Based on the high standards and ethics exhibited throughout the rest of the site, interested writers and poets can confidently submit to the contest and publications featured here.One of the aspects of Winning Writers that I found most impressive and informative is their list of contests and publications that writers should avoid because they are not reputable, are vanity publishers, or are money-making schemes that will charge you to publish your work and will not improve your resume or portf olio (and may even possibly tarnish your resume). Most writers are passionate about their work, and that passion sometimes translates into a desperate need to see our work in print, which can lead to bad decisions such as paying to publish something youve spent weeks crafting. In addition to the list of organizations/contests to avoid, the site provides details on why they recommend avoiding certain organizations or contests. That additional information is quite useful for understanding the darker sides of the writing industry and learning how to spot some of the companies that try to exploit writers. The list and the explanations are valid and genuine. The fact that Winning Writers dedicated the time and resources to compile this list made me feel that they care about writers and the integrity of the writing industry. Red flags that the site warns about include anthologies that require poets or writers to purchase a copy of the anthology to get published, contests or publications t hat require you to relinquish too many of your intellectual property rights (which may prevent you from shopping the piece around or publishing it somewhere legitimate), and contests that include high non-refundable entry fees along with a fine print clause reserving the right to cancel the contest if they do not receive enough entries. In addition to this list and informative explanation, there is an extensive list of additional topics and external resources that can help prevent writers from being exploited when trying to get published.The Resources section of Winning Writers is elaborate, with at least forty-eight subheadings to choose from within this section. For writers interested in learning more about reputable publishing houses that publish books, journals, and magazines, the Publishers section provides two pages of quality options. The recommended publishers are listed in alphabetical order, and each listing is followed by a brief synopsis that summarizes the publishers sp ecialty and/or niche and what kind of writers might be interested in submitting for publication with them, along with a hyperlink that will take you to the publishers website if you want to find out more. Out of the seventy-two publishing houses listed, I was only familiar with three, so once again, Winning Writers has done most of the legwork for you in vetting these smaller entities.In the Resources section under the Books heading and Essential Tools subheading, I came across Bruce Holland Rogers article Ten Tips for Psychological Survival in Writing, which should be required reading for all writers, aspiring writers, poets, and aspiring poets. While many of the items within the Resources section provide summaries and links to outside sites if you want to read the entire essay or piece, this piece is printed in full on the site, which suggests that perhaps the people at Winning Writers also believe that Rogers Ten Tips for Psychological Survival in Writing contains essential infor mation for any and all writers. I urge you to head to the site and read it, or you can pick up a copy of Bruce Holland Rogers book Word Work: Surviving and Thriving As a Writer, which this essay is excerpted from.The Winning Writers website doesnt just provide resources and information about where to submit your writing for prizes and publication; they also host four contests (with substantial prizes) of their own:The Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest, which accepts all styles and themes of poetryThe Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction Essay Contest, which accepts all styles and themes of both fiction and non-fictionThe North Street Book Prize, which accepts submissions of self-published booksWergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest (no fee), which accepts submissions of humorous poems.The site includes detailed descriptions of previous prize winners, including excerpts of the winning work. This is beneficial both for the winning writers, because it gives them exposure and publicity in addition to their prizes, and for future submitters, because it provides ample information about what sort of entries the judges consider prize worthy.If you dont have time to dig through previous contest winners to glean tips about how to write a winning essay, Arthur Powers, one of the judges of the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Fiction Essay Contest, wrote an article that reveals what he looks for in an award-winning essay. He is mindful that writing is subjective and everyone has a unique style, so in his advice he mentions multiple times that he doesnt want to influence anyones essay. However, he provides solid, useful tips about how to craft an essay that speaks to a contest judge.If you are interested in learning more about the judging process for poetry submissions, Ellaraine Lockie, one of the judges of the Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest, provides an in-depth interview with Jendi Reiter, in which she describes what aspects she considers when judging entries for the poet ry contest.If you are the author of a self-published book, you should absolutely consult Jendi Reiter and Ellen LaFleches article explaining what they look for when judging submissions for the North Street Book Prize. Reiter and LaFleche go into exquisite detail about how they select their favorites for this contest. They even include recommendations of their favorite books in every genre, so writers interested in submitting can conceptualize what sort of stories resonate with them. This kind of information is invaluable when entering contests â€" especially when first prize is $3,000!Another benefit of the Winning Writers newsletter is Critique Corner, where an editor (usually Jendi Reiter, who is also the vice president, or Tracy Koretsky) critiques a poem submission and provides advice about how to improve the poem, along with ideas regarding possible submission outlets. Reiter provides insightful comments about the poems and frequently compares them to popular or well-known poem s of similar genres. She is a beautiful and skilled writer, and even when providing suggestions for how to improve the poems, she does so with grace and compassion, and you can tell that her suggestions for change are because she truly wants to help the poet make the poem the best that it can possibly be. Winning Writers is no longer adding new critiques to its Critique Corner, but the existing critiques will remain online indefinitely.In addition to having their own staff of editors and contest judges, Winning Writers combs through the Internet and finds valuable articles with pertinent information to share with their readers. The links to outside resources are rich with advice for writers. Creative nonfiction writer Megan Galbraith tackles a frequent source of writers block for many creative nonfiction writers in her article Thats Not How I Remember It: Creative Nonfiction and the Art of Dealing with Doubters.The WinningWriters.com website should be a bookmarked tab in any aspirin g or established writers web browser. The site is dedicated to helping writers improve their craft, and the articles, tips, and resources on the site will guide all writers and poets aspiring to improve their crafts, and it may help you to get published or win a contest along the way.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Life Of The 1980 S - 1167 Words

Cassie Toth Mrs. Weide American HIstory II 18 November 2016 Life in the 1980’s The 1980’s was a time of prosperity throughout America. From the Calendar that went from January 1st to December 31st to the increase of jobs. This decade was full of good changes socially, economically, and politically. The President of the United States during the 1980s was Ronald Reagan. The liberals were known as â€Å"Reagan Democrats†. The most significant event that happened under President Reagan was the Berlin wall being torn down. The wall being torn down was significant because of the end of communism. Reagan wanted to improve America. Movies expanded throughout the decade as well as cable such as MTV. Music videos also became popular. Many networks such as ESPN, Nickelodeon, and CNN became trendy. Madonna and Michael Jackson were major music stars. The VCR became a device people could turn to for recording shows. The people liked many of the social changes because of entertainment and technology advances. During Reagan’s presidency he took economics seriously. He made efforts to lower Government spending as well as regulation, taxes, and prosperity. He would lower government expenditure because it would create room to decrease taxation. By decreasing income revenue it create d more money for people to spend which would stimulate the economy. Reagan fought hard for helping out the economy.Show MoreRelatedWhat I Learned About My Life During The Decade Of The 1980 S1683 Words   |  7 Pagesthat I chose was my mom, Lora Phelps, as she lived through the late 1980’s between the ages of 18-20. I wanted to learn what my mom went through when she was the same age as me. During the decade of the 1980’s there was a few significant events that happened during that time period. In 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected president of the United States which was the beginning of a revolution (Reagan Revolution). All throughout the 1980’s Iran became a feared icon. Growing in power and planning to take controlRead MoreEssay on The Evolution of the 1960s and 1980s: Jimi Hendrix1091 Words   |  5 Pagessaid legendary American musician, singer, and songwriter Jimi Hendrix (â€Å"Jimi Hendrix Quote†). In the mid 1960’s Jimi Hendrix and many other musical artists extremely influenced this decade. In the 1980’s, there were also many influential musicians, singers, and songwriters that captivated the thoughts and movements of many people. Music influenced fashion and behavior in the 1960’s and 1980’s and these properties have been recognized throughout the years. Music went through an immense evolution in bothRead Moreâ€Å"Adolescent Behaviour Has Changed: Young People Are Not Like They Were in My Day!†1191 Words   |  5 Pagesthe change between childhood and adulthood. Different Teenage cultures and experiences are mainly influenced on time and generation, this stage of life circles around â€Å"identity†; you develop your morals and find yourself. As technology, socialisation and surrounds change or advance so does the way teenagers interact and live. In comparison to the 1980’s â€Å"young people were not like they were in my day†, there are multiple variations altho ugh the main concepts like roles and status, gender and sexualityRead MoreThe Decade Of The 1980 S1423 Words   |  6 Pagesof the 1980 s experienced a massive sorts of changes in economics and culture, this requires a certain analysis of the time and the way culture became intertwined with economics. The culture transformed and allowed the decade to be read as an experience of cultural products between culture and economy. Through the conspicuous consumption of the decade, the 1980s encouraged a cultural shift towards complete commodification (what is this) and interaction with the market. Ronald Reagan s presidencyRead MoreAmerica s Age Of Hope1541 Words   |  7 Pages1980-1989: America’s Age of Hope From where did the vigor of the 1980’s come? 1980 to 1989 was a period in the United States which spurred hope for the economy and in the spirits of the people. The 1980’s were a decade of the American people standing together in tragedy and rejoicing with each other in victory. In 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of the decade and an age of an oppression overseas. America cheered for the freedom of her brothers and sisters in Germany. One highlightRead MoreThe Theory Of The Political, Economic, And Social Equality1356 Words   |  6 Pagespolitical, economic, and social equality of the sexes (feminism def. 1). Both the 1980s and 1990s were filled with optimism and inspiration for women in the fight for equality. The Second wave feminism was a product of the civil right movement, as the women involved in it became disappointed with being seen as second class operators within the equality movement. These women are often refered to as the women s liberati on movement. Some of the major issues that broadened the debate for the secondRead MoreImpact Of Technology On Family Life902 Words   |  4 PagesFamily life has always been greatly affected by technology. From 1980 to present day the advancement in technology has changed how families interact with each other and how household duties are done. Many technological advances in 2017 have made peoples lives easier like streamable movies and television to robot cleaners but in the 1980s this technology was only seen in science fiction. Major technological changes have impacted family life from 1980 to 2017, especially in the areas of televisionRead MoreChanges That Shaped American Politics in the 70’s and 80’s765 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican Politics in the 70’s and 80’s Loraine J Jackson Everest University Abstract For many individuals in the United States, the late 1970s were a troubled and disturbing time. The Watergate scandal, the Vietnam War, ambiguity in the Middle East and the economic crisis in the Nation had weakened the confidence of Americans in their government and in their fellow residents as well. Many Americans supported a new conservatism in social, economic and political life during the 1980s, distinguished by policiesRead MoreHip Hop And Rap Music1584 Words   |  7 Pagesin the 1980’s. The hip hop genre was born in the African American community and has since then changed into what it is today. What most individuals don’t know is that originally rap music did not contain such explicit themes as it does now; such as misogyny, drugs, crime, and violence among others. Many people may wonder what led to the introduction of such themes into rap music and why they remained popular. Crime and violence were introduced to rap music as a way to expose the unjust life in theRead MoreCognitive Therapy And The Treatment Of Depression796 Words   |  4 Pagesperspective which later was developed into a theory in the 1980’s. This theory expanded social workers’ worldview in that they improved their understanding of their clients’ psychological concerns, material needs, and economic and social conditions (Greene, Cohen, Galambos, Kropf, 2007). In the context of geriatric depression, social workers started to look beyond psychopathological and physiological explanations. Healthcare Trends. Throughout the 1970’s the government continued to promote mental health

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Danger Of A Single Story By Chimamanda Ngozi - 838 Words

In her TED Talk â€Å"The Danger of a Single Story†, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie shared her personal experiences on how the stereotypes that are presented in the literature towards people from other cultures would actually be misleading to the readers and have negative influence on their cross-cultural communication. The danger of a single story lies not so much in lacking of knowledge or understanding of people from other culture, but rather in people’s leaving no room and possibilities for themselves to accept the facts that are different from the stereotype they have in their mind about other people, and to communicate and build up connections with others as human equals. Chimamanda also talked about how telling a single story can be actually related to power relations between the storyteller and the protagonist of his/her stories as â€Å"power is the ability to tell the story of another person as if it is the definitive story of that person†. In Orientalism, the author also proposed the similar thoughts about the artificiality of power relation that â€Å"it is not an inert fact of nature. It is not merely there, just as the Occident itself is not just there either. †¦men make their own history, that what they can know is what they have made†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Said, 2003, p.4-p.5). This reminds me of the discussion about whether or not the stories of the people from the seemingly disadvantaged minority groups should be told in literature that some participants brought up after Kai’s facilitation. IShow MoreRelatedThe Danger Of A Single Story By Chimamanda Ngozi844 Words   |  4 Pages Just like in â€Å"the Danger of a Single Story† by Chimamanda Ngozi, people have a single story that helping the environment is about doing big changes in our lives, and the lives of others by donating money, participating in cleaning campaigns, or buying that super expensive electric car in order to avoid burning fossil fuels. Although is very true that most of what we heard of environmental protection usually comes through public media such as news, newspapers, internet, etc. that only showcase theRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie1473 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The Danger of a Single Story† by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, demonstrates how stereotypes create a single story in people’s minds. She says these stereotypes are half truths because they are incomplete; therefore it keeps people away from the reality. She claims this is â€Å"the danger of a single story†, because it stops people to think of others are capable of co ntributing positively to society. Adichie’s lecture helps one to understand how these stereotypes impact people by creating a single storyRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie1381 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The Danger of a Single Story† by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, demonstrates how stereotypes create a single story in people’s minds. She says these stereotypes are half truths because they are incomplete; therefore it keeps people away from the reality. She claims this is â€Å"the danger of a single story†, because it stops people to think of others are capable of contributing positively to society. Adichie’s lecture helps one to understand how these stereotypes impact people by creating a single storyRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie1332 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The Danger of a Single Story† by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, demonstrates how stereotypes create a single story in peop le’s minds. She says these stereotypes are half truths because they are incomplete, therefore it keeps people away from the reality. She claims this is â€Å"the danger of a single story†, because it stops people to think of others are capable of contributing positively to society. Adichie’s lecture helps one to understand how these stereotypes impact people by creating a single storyRead MoreAnalysis Of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie The Dangers Of A Single Story 986 Words   |  4 PagesChimamanda Ngozi Adichie, in a TED Talks presentation titled â€Å"The Dangers of a Single Story†, introduces her concept of the single story as having an incomplete perspective on topics such as race, gender equality, and sexual identity that translate to how people perceive each other. People who suffer from a single story rely on their partial judgment to make decisions about others rather than to make decisions on what is factual. Being exposed to various literature is c rucial in avoiding the dangersRead MoreAnalysis Of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie s Ted Talk, The Danger Of A Single Story1237 Words   |  5 PagesChimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s inspiring TED talk, The Danger of a Single Story, proves how stories influence the way we perceive the world. She describes the single story as a narrative that surrounds only one perspective. The objective of her speech is to inform her audience that assuming something is true based on a single piece of information gives us incomplete and incorrect perceptions. Society is an accumulation of social stories, it is never just one thing. There are multiple, contingentRead MoreAnalysis Of Chimamanda Adichie s The Danger Of A Single Story1109 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Chimamanda Adichie is a novelist and a narrator who delivered a persuasive speech on what she calls; The Danger of a Single Story but in reality what it means is the danger of stereotyping. Dictionary.com defines Stereotype as â€Å"A generalization usually exaggerated or oversimplified and often offensive, that is used to describe or distinguish a group.† Adichie delivered her presentation on a very well-known website called Ted.com, with one objective in mind, to prevail upon everyoneRead MoreThe Danger Of A Single Story1158 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to the novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie in the article, â€Å"The Danger of a Single Story†, she proclaims that when there is just one single story of someone or something, it can be detrimental to said subject. It can be detrimental to a group of people, because that one single story can make great people seem horrible. Having one single story about a beautiful place can make it sound terrifying. The world is m ultidimensional and having just one explanation of something, can make somethingRead MoreOnly One View in a Story641 Words   |  3 Pageswhat they become.†(Chimamanda Ngozi) That is the danger of a singles story, it makes equal humanity difficult to recognize and it emphasizes people’s differences instead of their similarities. A single story is an incomplete recollection of information. â€Å"Power is the ability not just to tell the story of another person, but to make it the definitive story of that person.†(Ngozi) In relation to US history, a single story is all many people have heard, like Ngozi states â€Å"Start the story with the arrowsRead MorePersuasive Essay On Ted Talk1191 Words   |  5 PagesOn October,19,2017 I watched a Ted Talk Called â€Å" Dangers of a single story† by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. She spoke about her life in Nigeria before she studied abroad in The United States of America and the dangers of knowing 1 side of the story this is also known as ‘Bias’. After watching Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Ted talk, I believe not everyone in Africa lives in poverty, stereotypes in Children s books cause unrealistic ideas of reality and the media fabricates news to generate views and labels

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Foundations to Human Development Free Essays

Foundations of Human Development in the Social Environment Michelle Braig BSHS/325 March 18, 2013 Joyce Mink There are three foundations of human development. The foundations are the biological development, psychological development, and social development. The concept of human diversity and cultural competences demonstrates how different people can be. We will write a custom essay sample on Foundations to Human Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now General systems theory and social order are connected in some way. . There are several incidents or situations that can affect a person physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. Some of the biological aspects include problematic pregnancy, fetal development and prenatal care. Problems can occur right at the time of conception. There are test that can be done to determine if a fetus can have a life altering conditions. There are many factors that can affect the developmental process. Having the knowledge of the developmental milestones can better help the human service professional with helping and understanding their client. There are guides to give the information needed for each milestone that a child should reach by a certain age (Zastro and Kirst-Ashman, 2010). Understanding the biological development will help a person to understand the physiological dimensions because they work together in understanding the human development. Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. Personality, self-concept, emotion, and cognition are parts of the human psychological development (Zastro and Kirst-Ashman, 2010). They psycho-dynamic theory, Neo-Freudian psychoanalytic theory, phenomenological theory, and feminist theories are some of the theories that may help explain the way personalities are developed. These theories can help the human service professional understand why people are the way they are. These theories can be used as a guideline for getting the information needed for helping out a client. The base for building an adult social personality begins with the social interaction of a child. Socialization is when an individual learns about the environment around him or her. They will learn the language, behavior, customs, and rules. The individual will meet social standards so that he or she can do will in society. Socialization normally begins in childhood. A child’s family is usually where a child can learn most of their socialization skills. Social development is important for an individual to have a personality that is unique to that individual (Zastro and Kirst-Ashman, 2010). Human diversity means that everyone is different in some way. Age, sexual orientations, language, style, religion, physical abilities, height, communication, and gender are just some of the ways that an individual can be different from another. Human diversity is what makes one person different from another (Zastro and Kirst-Ashman, 2010). Cultural competence is where a person is able to adjust to different cultures over a period of time. As helpers we need to be able to help everyone respectfully and effectively. Culture is the integrated pattern of human behavior that includes actions, communications, thoughts, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of a racial, ethnic, religious, or social group. Culture can also include, race, ethnicity, national origin, and migration background; sex, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; sexual orientation and marital or partner status; age and socioeconomic class; religious and political belief or affiliation. People should understand that certain cultures have different ways of expressing themselves. In is considered rude to spit in public without covering your mouth in Japan. In some cultures burping out loud is a way to say that the food was good. It is important for a human service professional to learn about different cultures so that they will not offend their clients or coworkers. The general systems theory proposes to explain why there is an underlying intelligible general order in the world to which all matter relates and the existing social order is a subset of the general order (Dale, 2009). A systematic way of thinking helps to understand the individual by understanding the whole person. General systems theory affected the way we think by providing new vocabulary for all different types of people. The general systems theory is a group of ideas based on order and used in a similar way that science is used. The general systems theory is a way to find the understanding of a human as a whole by using the process of elimination to gain knowledge through order. The social order is a part of the way social services is handled today. The social order consists of nine aspects that go order of a hierarchy. These are a part of the general systems theory. The biological, psychological, and social developments are all normal milestones that happen with a person. Most are learned and developed as a child grows into an adult. All three developments work together to help create the individuals. All individuals are different in some way. It is important to understand cultural differences. The general systems theory and social order both work with some kind of order. Reference * Zastro, C. and Kirst-Ashman, K. 2010 Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (8th ED. ) * Dale, Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Social Systems Theory (6th ED. ) * http://www. ntocc. org/Portals/0/PDF/Resources/CulturalCompetence. pdf How to cite Foundations to Human Development, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Social Isolation of These Women Also Can Lead To the Development

Question: How India Are Socially Isolated Due To Cultural Factors? Answer: Introducation: Sexually transmitted disease (STD) are predominantly occurs due to the sexual contacts through vaginal, anal and oral route. Other than these sexual contacts, non-sexual contacts are also responsible for the occurrence of STDs. These non-sexual contacts include infected blood and tissues, breastfeeding and transmission form infected mother to child during childbirth. Biological organs responsible for the transmission of the STDs include penis, vulva, rectum, urinary tract, mouth, and eyes. Most widely used practices for the prevention of STDs include use of condoms and vaccination. Vaginal and penile discharge, ulcers on genitals, and pelvic pain are the most common signs and symptoms associated with STDs. STDs can also transmitted from mother to baby during birth and these children are more susceptible for the improper growth. Different agents are responsible of the occurrence of STDs and these include bacterial, viral and parasitic infections. Diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea, an d syphilis occur due to bacteria, genital herpes, HIV/AIDS, and genital warts occur due to viruses and trichomoniasis occurs due to parasites (Beigi, 2010). Prevalence of STDs is more in low caste Indian women as compared to the other population in India. Low socioeconomic standard of living is the main reason responsible for occurrence of STDs in low caste Indian women because these class people are more susceptible for the infection as compared to the other population. It is evident that, STDs are more common in women as compared to the men. Hence, women in the low socioeconomic class in India are more susceptible for the STDs. Different social, financial and cultural factors are responsible for the occurrence of STDs in these women. These factors comprise of poverty, less education, unemployment, unhygienic condition, deficiency in healthcare services and lack of gender specific treatment. India is a population dense country and 35 % population of India is of low caste. Hence, this group is the largest group in the world affected by STDs. More attention should be given towards this population (Stanberry and Rosenthal, 2012; Murthy and Smith, 2010). Social determinants: Policies and recommendations can be implemented for the prevention and management of the STDs by considering social determinants of STDs. Social determinants also plays prominent role in the transmission and spread of STDs particularly in the women of low caste in India. Economics class, social status and educational level and employment status are the social determinants liable for STDs. Healthcare services, hygienic housing, social exclusion, food security and stigma are the other social determinants responsible for STDs in these women. Poverty is directly proportional to the occurrence of STDs. Poverty of these women lead to the less education of these women and less knowledge about relationship between hygienic condition and STDs. Hence, these women give less attention to the personal hygiene and become more prone to the STDs. Poverty also results in the less access to the healthcare facilities to these women. Women in poverty may also drag themselves in the sex business to earn money and livelihood to take care of their family. Multiple sex contacts are one of the most leading causes for the occurrence of STDs. These sex workers with low economic status are mostly unregistered sex workers. Most of the registered sex workers belong to the high socioeconomic class. It is evident that occurrence of STDs is more in unregistered sex workers as compared to the registered sex workers. Hence, social determinant also plays significant role in the occurrence of STDs (Sirotin et al., 2010). Social isolation of these women also can lead to the development of STDs in these women. Unmarried, widow and divorcees women in these population in India are socially isolated due to cultural factors. This social isolation drags these women in the psychological issues like risky behavior. This risky behavior may be sexual desire. This ultimately can result in the multiple partner sex and incidence of STDs (Shendre and Tiwari, 2002). Most of the women in this population are illiterate. Due to less education, these women are unaware of the causative factors and mode of transmission of STDs. These women are also unaware of the safe hygienic practices. These women are shy due to their social and cultural aspects. Hence, these women are unwilling to discuss about the safe sex and consequences of the unsafe sex. This lack of communication due to illiteracy may result in the more prevalence of STDs in these Indian women (Dean and Fenton, 2010). Family members of these women are mostly unemployed. Hence, these women have to face adverse social encounters. It can lead to unsafe sex and consequently STDs (Shendre and Tiwari, 2005). Being the socially backward and with poverty, these women have very less access to healthcare services including knowledge about policies and subsidies for the prevention and treatment of STDs. With this less knowledge, these women are unwilling to treat their STDs due to fear of high cost of treatment. There is no health equity for women of this population. Women of the high social class and men of the low income can get more access to the healthcare services as compared to the women of low income group. Women of this class mostly live in the rural areas and rural healthcare sector in India is not developed to provide healthcare services to all the disease conditions including STDs. Furthermore, healthcare professionals including doctors are reluctant to occupy position in the healthcare centers in the rural areas. Hence, it would be very difficult for these women to get necessary healthcare services at urban healthcare centers due to poverty (Satcher, 2010; Foege, 2010; Sharpe et a., 2010). There is scarcity of food for women of low caste. Hence, it becomes mandatory for these women for relocation to the other areas in search of food. This mobility can results in the transmission of the STDs. Men in this population are more susceptible for the addiction development. These men would not be in the physical and mental state to earn for the family. Hence, women need to work to earn food. This can lead to social victim of multiple partner sex. Women in the low caste live in the unhygienic areas. These women use unhygienic toilets, public toilets and open space for defecation. This can lead infection in these women. These women store their sanitary napkins and inner wears in the unhygienic places (Kesah et al., 2013). Stigma of the STDs among these women can lead to the hiding about this disease and as a result these women cant get proper treatment for STDs (Dean and Fenton, 2010). Potential stakeholders: Experts from the different professions need to be incorporated in addressing social determinants of STDs in these women. These professionals should be from social and health sciences. Role of Government is of prime importance for addressing these social determinants. There should be uniform policies by the Health department for all the classes of the people. Special emphasis should be given to the women of low caste. Government should give special subsidies for these women for treatment. Promotional campaign should be arranged to raise awareness of the STDs among these women. Government should conduct surveys to identify the problems responsible for the prevalence of STDs. After identification of the reasons behind occurrence of STDs, Government should set goals and make relevant policies to control these factors. Government should give special compensation for the healthcare professionals including doctors to work in the rural areas and areas with low socioeconomic class people. Gov ernment should make availability of all the facilities in the Government hospitals for the diagnosis and treatment of STDs (Goel, 2010). Government should collaborate with private hospitals for the treatment of STDs. Hospitals should arrange workshops and counseling sessions for the prevention of STDs. Maternity homes should maintain hygienic condition because in maternity homes there are more chances of infection to these women (Maynard-Tucker, 2014). Along with provision of the medical facilities, Government should also work for the improvement of the socioeconomic status of these women. Government should increase employment opportunities for family members of these women. By this, these families can become finically stable and it would be helpful in avoiding risky behavior like unsafe sex (Reed et al., 2010). Non-Government organizations (NGOs) should also play prominent role in STDs. NGOs should work as the connecting link between the Government and these women for the prevention of these diseases. NGOs should make aware these women about all the policies by the Government for STDs. NGOs should improve awareness in women about STDs. NGOs should work closely with Government for effective implementation of these policies. Social workers should arrange counseling sessions for the family members of these women to improve hygienic condition and to improve financial stability. Social workers should also give confidence for these women about the improvement in their condition. Social workers should work closely with hospitals and assist these women in availing all the healthcare policies and facilities. Family members of these women should give respectful treatment for these women and provide equality in availing healthcare services. Men members of these families should take complete responsibi ty of the financial aspects and should give emotional stability to these women. Family members should provide these women with hygienic house and facility with hygienic toilets. Emotional stability and moral support is of prime importance for these women with diagnosis of STDs. Family members can play prominent role in providing these aspects to these women. Society and community members should give respect to women with STDs and should not isolate them from the society. This would be helpful in avoiding psychological problems and preventing form the risky behaviors like multiple partner sex. Psychologist should also play important role in handling psychological problems in these women. Psychologist should provide counseling to these women to come out of the depression due to STDs (Murthy and Smith, 2010). Epidemiologist should conduct surveys about the prevalence of STDs among low caste women and provide data to the Government, hence Government can make appropriate policies for prevention of STDs. Epidemiologist and Government should keep confidentiality of the women with STDs. By this, these women would be ready to share their STDs and exact data of the STDs can be obtained. Panchayat in the rural area should provide hygienic water and should maintain cleanliness at the village level. This would be helpful in the prevention of STDs (Maynard-Tucker, 2014). Conclusion: STDs are more prevalent in the low caste Indian women Low caste Indian women is the largest population affected with STDs. Social determinants plays important role in the occurrence of STDs in these group of women. Social, financial, cultural and health related factors are responsible for the occurrence of STDs in this population. Illiteracy, unemployment, poverty, less access to healthcare facilities, poor standard of living and health inequity are the major factors for the incidence of STDs in these women. Stakeholders form the different discipline should be incorporated to address STDs in the women. These stakeholders include Government, NGOs, medical professionals, social workers, psychologist and epidemiologist. Integrated effort of all these stakeholders would definitely be helpful in improving condition of these women. References: Beigi, R.H. (2010). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, John Wiley Sons. Dean, H.D., and Fenton, K.A. (2010). Addressing Social Determinants of Health in the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and Tuberculosis. Public Health Reports, 125(4), 15. Foege, W.H. (2010). Social determinants of health and health-care solutions. Public Health Reports, 125(4), 810. Goel, S.L. (2001). Health Care System and Management. Deep and Deep Publications. Kesah, F.C., Payne, V.K., and Asakizi, A. (2013). Prevalence and etiology of sexually transmitted infections in a gynecologic unit of a developing country. Annals of Tropcal Medicine Public Health, 6(5), 526-531. Maynard-Tucker, G. (2014). Rural Women's Sexuality, Reproductive Health, and Illiteracy. Lexington Books. Murthy, P., and Smith, C.L. (2010). Women's Global Health and Human Rights. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Reed, E., Gupta, J., Biradavolu, M., Devireddy, V., and Blankenship, K.M. (2010). The context of economic insecurity and its relation to violence and risk factors for HIV among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India.Public Health Reports, 125(4), 819. Satcher, D. (2010). Include a social determinants of health approach to reduce health inequities. Public Health Reports, 125(4), 67. Sharpe, T.T., McDavid, H.K., Dean, H.D. (2010). Summary of CDC consultation to address social determinants of health for prevention of disparities in HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis. Public Health Reports, 125(4), 115. Shendre, M.C., and Tiwari, R.R. (2002). Social risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, 68, 25-7 Shende, M.C., and Tiwari, R.R. (2005). Role of occupation as a risk factor for sexually transmitted disease: A case control study. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 9(1), 35-37. Sirotin, N., Strathdee, S.A., Lozada, R., Nguyen, L., Gallardo, M., Vera, A., et al. (2012). A comparision of registered and unregistered female sex workers in Tijuana, Mexico.Public Health Reports, 125(4), 1019. Stanberry, L.R., and Rosenthal, S. L. (2012). Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Vaccines, Prevention, and Control. Academic Press.